United For A Stronger Organization!
Aktif Engineering, Aktif Compensation, Aktif Power Components, and Aktif Electrotechnics…
As of January 1, 2023, we have merged our Aktif Group Companies, which lead the electricity industry with their projects, products and services, under the roof of Aktif Elektroteknik.
Today’s everyday life, business environment, and the competition within have undergone major changes, particularly since last year when we celebrated our 25th anniversary. Quick decision-making and implementation increased its importance and value by getting ahead of other recognized concepts. According to the global data and its reflections, we foresee that companies that cannot get rid of their old habits in their management structures and activities and cannot keep up with changes, will face many challenges in the short term, and eventually fail to conduct their operations in the medium term.
As Aktif Group of Companies, we have been searching for a while on how to adapt our structure to this change, carry our current position further, and improve ourselves in order to compete in the global and national markets.
By observing both the global and national requirements and demands of the business world and our industry, we have decided to maintain our rapid progress in service, quality, innovation, and development by gathering and managing the administration and actions of our Aktif Group Companies through a single center. We have determined this center to be one of our current group companies, Aktif Elektroteknik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
One of the first clues of this thought was the launch of Aktif Elektroteknik GmbH in Germany in the first quarter of 2022, as mentioned in the announcement we previously shared with you. As of January 1, 2023, we run all our companies under the roof of Aktif Elektroteknik.
This union will enable us to take decisions quickly and accurately that will carry our company forward, and provide a great leap forward in R&D, production, service, technology transfer, and investment with the great joining of our companies’ existing power and resources. In this way, you, our valued customers, and business partners will experience the comfort and confidence of being with a strong, continuously developing company that offers more advanced products and services.
The headquarter of Aktif Elektroteknik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. will be in Istanbul.
I wish all of you and us good luck and blessings.
Aktif Elektroteknik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.