What is the Power Quality Measurement? What are the Points to Care for Measuring Power Quality?
Cihan Şenel
Technical Sales Engineer
Aktif Mühendislik
It is one of the biggest purposes of institutions and organizations that use, generate, transmit, distribute energy and aim efficiency. The more efficient usage of electric energy is possible by maximizing the power quality. Disturbances in power quality parameters negatively affect electrification systems. The power quality must be measured so that these adverse effects can be detected and removed through the solution. It is one of the most important factors that to make accurate measurements from the right points.
The majority of the power quality problems are directly related to production, transmission, distribution and consumer, as well as being burden-related problems at consumption points. Distribution and transmission companies providing electricity energy are obliged to supply qualified electricity to their subscriptions in accordance with the parameters and limits defined in TS EN 50160 standard. The same responsibility applies to the consumer and it is obliged to continue the operation continuity within the limits specified in this standard. One of the main problems for the companies providing distribution and transmission services is the determination of which subscriber originates the deterioration of the power quality parameters in the transmission and distribution of electricity energy. The quality of the power must be measured to determine the source of the problems.
II. What Is The Power Quality Measurement?
The measurement of the quality of the power is the complete sum of the data collected after the measurements made according to standard to check that the electrical energy provided by the electricity network parameter limits defined in national and international standards. This data is analyzed, the problems identified are explained to the consumer or the provider organization in the simplest way, and the comments about the suggestions for the solution of the detected problems are called the power quality report.
It is suitable for electrical engineers to analyze the measurements of the power quality measurements, to convert the analyzed data into a report, to have experience and knowledge of the quality of the problem that can identify and solve the problems.
III. What Are The Points To Attention Of People / Institutions Who Will Measure Power Quality?
It is very important that the measurement of the quality of the power is done correctly and the safety of life and property in the environment are provided at the same time.
First, attention must be paid to the precautions to be taken for work safety at the point to be measured. The work safety equipment of the measuring person, for example; insulated gloves, outfit protective against arcs, insulated shoes etc. and other side safety equipment must be used correctly.
The measuring instruments to be used when measuring the quality of the power must be class A of IEC 61000-4-30. These standard includes features of device’ features like sampling rate, sensitivity, which parameters should be measured.
If the measurement of the power quality needs to be done in order to determine a specific problem, a detailed information about how the problem is experienced should be shared. This is a very important issue to approach the solution of the problem. In this point, it is determined how long a measurement should be made at the point where the problem is experienced.
Power quality meters must be correctly connected to the measuring points. The current direction, current transformer and voltage transformer ratio must be entered correctly in the measuring device. The power values should be checked according to the case where the measured power is production or consumption point. Many power quality measurements are made incorrectly due to incorrect connection.
The measurement times specified in the standard at the point of measurement have high importance for the check to the parameter limits. Power quality measurements which are not taken in the right time leads to misinterpretations. For this reason, the correct time limits must be used for each measurement.
The determination of power quality problems and the success of the applications to solve these problems undoubtedly pass through the measurement and analysis of a power quality to be correctly performed. Following the correct power quality measurement, a report should be prepared that is interpreted in accordance with the standards and applications for resolution should be ordered. In this way the power quality measurement is completed correctly and the problem is solved successfully.
[2] TS EN 50160: Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public electricity networks