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  1. Javier


    I think it is possible. At least at a small scale the wireless principle works.
    It is a modified resonant SWWR system (Single Wire without return) working @2 Mhz. An idea invented by N Tesla more than 100years ago.

    In this setup the energy taken from a battery runs a boat through a 60liter water volume without any kind of interconnecting cabling. The power transmitter(a Tesla coil) grounded to the water tank creates waves of potential into the latter.
    The Boat’s energy receiver, a Tesla coil, properly tuned to the transmitter, by means of ressonant rise takes energy from these waves and runs the boat motor.

    It took me some time to get it working.

    I think that this simple setup clearly reflects the essence of the principle behind the Nikola Tesla global transmission system. One wire power transfer without return path by means of resonant coupling to a Stationary wave impressed in the water volume (or Earth).

    I discarded a direct capacitive coupling between both spheres that could be closing the return path.
    Whats your opinion?

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