Electrical Power Systems in Excel: Visualizing Sinusoidal Waveforms and Power Factors
Understanding fundamental concepts such as Active Power, Reactive Power, Apparent Power, and Power Factor is crucial for any electrical engineer who wants to establish a solid foundation in power systems. This Excel-based study will be helpful in understanding these basic power concepts.
This work, in addition to strengthening your theoretical knowledge, also provides tips on using Microsoft Excel as a powerful tool for visualizing and analyzing electrical power systems.
Data Entry in Excel: Enter data into the following cells in our Excel model to analyze power dynamics:
- Cell B2: Enter Voltage Amplitude. (The system is set to operate at a constant frequency of 50 Hz)
- Cell D2: Enter Current Amplitude.
- Cell C3: Specify the Power Factor, which can be between 0 and 1.
Observing Results and Visualizations:
After entering the data, the Excel model offers real-time visualizations and calculations that facilitate an understanding of how electric power components interact:
- Cell D3 (Phase Delay Angle): View the delay angle between current and voltage, which shows the effect of the Power Factor on the system.
- Power Triangle Visualization: Observe changes in the amplitudes of Active, Reactive, and Apparent Power. This helps visualize the interrelation among these components in a power system.
- Calculated Power Values: Clear values for Reactive, Apparent, and Active Power are presented alongside the power triangle.
- Sinusoidal Waveforms: Visualize the sinusoidal waveforms of voltage and current with the delay angle depending on the power factor.
- Analysis of Active Power Components: Discover the positive and negative components of Active Power that arise depending on the angle between current and voltage.
- Effective Active Power Total: Discover that Effective Active Power emerges as the sum of its positive and negative components.
Practical Examples Analyzing System Behavior with Different Power Factors
Example 1: Purely Resistive System

Input data:
- Voltage: 230 Volts
- Current: 150 Amperes
- CosPhi: 1.0
- Phase Delay Angle: 0 degrees — no delay (angular difference) between voltage and current.
- System Characteristic: Purely Resistive
- Active Power: 34.5 kW
- Apparent Power: 34.5 kVA
- Reactive Power: 0 kVAr
- The voltage-current sinusoidal waveform also shows no delay between current and voltage.
- All active power is generated in the positive alternation area; no active power is generated in the negative alternation area.
- The Total Active Power value is calculated as 34.5 kW.
Example 2: Resistive + Reactive System

Input data:
- Voltage: 230 Volts
- Current: 150 Amperes
- CosPhi: 0.8
- Phase Delay Angle: 36.87 degrees — there is a delay (angular difference) between voltage and current.
- System Characteristic: Resistive + Reactive
- Active Power: 27.6 kW
- Apparent Power: 34.5 kVA
- Reactive Power: 20.7 kVAr
- The voltage-current sinusoidal waveform shows the current lagging behind the voltage.
- A large amount of active power is generated in the positive alternation area, with a small amount in the negative alternation area.
- The Total Active Power value is calculated as 28.54 – 0.94 = 27.6 kW.
Example 3: Purely Reactive System

Purely Reactive SystemInput data:
- Voltage: 230 Volts
- Current: 150 Amperes
- CosPhi: 0.0
- Phase Delay Angle: 90.00 degrees — there is a delay (angular difference) between voltage and current.
- System Characteristic: Purely Reactive.
- Active Power: 0 kW
- Apparent Power: 34.5 kVA
- Reactive Power: 34.5 kVAr
- The voltage-current sinusoidal waveform shows the current 90 degrees behind the voltage.
- Active power is generated in both the positive and negative alternation areas.
- The Total Active Power value is calculated as 10.98 – 10.98 = 0.0 kW.
To facilitate the understanding of basic power concepts through visualization, you can download and use the attached Excel file on your computer to experiment and experience these concepts.