Power Distribution Systems

Air insulated medium voltage switchgears presented as power distribution system under assurance of Aktif Elektroteknik A.Ş. are created in accordance with IEC 62271-200 standard. This standard determines values to be provided commonly for all manufacturers in voltage levels between 1 kV-52 kV. Short circuit current of medium voltage distribution system, technical classifications such as Short circuit withstand period, ingress protection intervention classification (IP), internal arc classification (AFLR), loss of service continuity classification (LSC), partition classification (PM-PI) in addition to nominal busbar current, voltage levels are determined by the standard.
Medium voltage panels short circuit withstand period determines the withstand time of the panel during short circuit. SMC type Metal Clad panels in product range of Aktif Elektroteknik started 40 kA/3 withstand period works in addition to 31,5 kA/3 sec. short circuit withstand periods and is within the effort and excitement of getting type test soon. Another classification is the partition classification and determines separation of the section having medium voltage panels cable connection, switching equipments and earthed metal separators between the busbar compartment with insulated equipment. Loss of service continuity classification makes reference to authority of accessing the compartment containing connection or busbar compartment and circuit breaker compartment upon energy interruption of the section of panel maintenance and repair via these partition equipment and switching equipment. Accessing to switching and cable section following suitable manoeuvre of circuit breaker and earthing switch when the busbar compartment within metal enclosed medium voltage panel is under voltage can be possible (LSC 2A) following taking circuit breaker unit is take to test position based on the panel utilisation purpose in Metal Clad panels, intervention can be made to this section when the cable connection section and main busbar section is energized (LSC 2B).
In the light of these data, SME and SMC type medium voltage panels (Metal Enclosed and Metal Clad) contained in product range of Aktif Elektroteknik A.Ş. satisfactorily passed right and left extension feature, AFL and AFLR internal arc classification providing maximum operator safety, PI (partition with insulation material) and PM (calibration with earthed metal material) classification, 1 sec. and 3 sec. short circuit withstand periods, power frequency and lightning impulse withstand tests, IP ingress protection tests, temperature rise and internal arc tests; and they are reliable and high quality panels complying with IEC 62271-200 and Tedaş MYD/95-007 specifications preventing false manoeuvring of operator via mechanic and electrical interlocking and responding all kind of requests of the user with type test certified products from CESI and VEIKI laboratories in Europe.