
Application for Residual Current Monitoring and Fault Evaluating System


Energy and Infrastructure,




Borsa İstanbul


Borsa Istanbul or briefly BIST, is one of the organizations of Turkey having most improved technological sub-structure that was initially founded in 1985 with the name of Istanbul Stock Exchange (IMKB), named as “Borsa Istanbul” in 2013 and have activities in capital market, provide custodian service and swap service to Turkish and foreign sourced banks, broker companies, regulate foundation principles and conditions of stock exchanges in Turkey in order to create a suitable environment for realizing security procurement-sale transactions in Turkey with the perspective of making Turkey’s capital markets more effective and maintain safe and stable transactions of securities.


It is envisaged that power interruptions experienced in main source feeding critical loads and the facility comprising power centre of Borsa Istanbul cause serious problems in computer based systems monitoring financial tales of companies, company news, public listing data, all information regarding markets, all parallel data and indexes and perform studies in order to prevent these unexpected power interruptions.


Particularly, unexpected power interruptions occurred by residual currents and failures have been identified by Bender RCMS Residual Current Monitoring System
Detection of fault currents when reaching to critical levels prior to opening feed line and transfer of these critical levels to related units via warning systems gave the opportunity of making fast interventions, therefore unwanted power interruptions are prevented.


Controlling particularly critical load feed lines with Bender RCMS Series residual current monitoring system and detecting all possible electrical faults in advance, as well as automatic detection of errors by the system and transfer of detected electrical faults to related Technical units via audio and visual warning panels, also faults those may arise due to TCP/IP Ethernet Inverter can be easily read from SCADA and automation screens.