Following the privatization completed in 2013, the determined efforts of Türkerler Holding and Vangölü Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. (VEDAŞ) have led to a nearly 50% reduction in illegal electricity usage in Van.
As Aktif Group, in our work with VEDAŞ, we initially took 2019 as a reference year and identified the three districts in Van with the highest consumption. The total consumption of these three districts (Edremit, İpekyolu, and Tuşba) is 645,025,377 kWh, which accounts for 66% of Van’s total consumption.
In these districts with such high consumption, our project involving high-speed meter reading via the power line (PLC) resulted in significant improvements in illegal usage rates: 26.67% in Edremit, 5.13% in İpekyolu, and 20.73% in Tuşba.
Looking specifically at the Edremit district of Van, the energy received increased by approximately 9 million kWh annually, while the billed consumption increased by 80 million kWh annually.
A 98.13% success rate in readings and high-speed remote switching operations are the main reasons for such an increase in billing.