Aktif Group is the main supplier that in the Project of Konya Metropolitan Municipality of Alaaddin-Justice Railway line of to 7 stations “Traction system and switching equipment”. MV Switchgears, Traction and auxiliary transformers addition to domestic needs and Traction Rectifiers and DC switchgears the construction of Substations where the equipment continues apace.
Aktif Group produces MV Switchgears its own factory lacated in Ankara, that is distributed to Traction and auxiliary transformers completed especially with Tesar who is one of the world leaders in the railway systems. COET – FRIEM Group’s broad product of Traction Rectifiers and DC switchgears which one of the most important equipment, has been used in Konya Railway Project of substation. COET is one of shareholders in Ankara Factory of Aktif Group.
So Aktif has been in the whole project from MV to katana energy distribution. At the end of the route for rail system transports will be located a warehouse and a maintenance station and on this part the supply systems undertake by Aktif Group.
The whole length is 5 thousand 33 meters train line is needed latest model 60 pcs tram and traction power suply for Alaaddin-University tram line undertakes by Aktif Group with Yapı Merkezi and Yapıray. MV Switchgears, Traction Transformers, Traction Rectifiers and DC Cubicles supplying has been made by Aktif Group which is located 3 substations are been used to make strengthen. Located 3 transformer will be used to strengthen existing Even the center of all MV, Traction transformers, rectifier and DC supply is made by the cells Active Group.
The Equipments are used throughout the project;
7 pcs.1500 kVA Traction transformers
1 pc. 1000 kVA auxiliary transformers
2 pcs. 100 kVA auxiliary transformers
1 pc. 400 kVAr shunt reactor system
7 pcs. 1500 kW Traction Rectifiers
7 pcs. Incoming Cubicles
pcs. DC Feeder Outgoing Cubicles
3 pcs. Voltage Limiting Devices
15 pcs. 36 kV SMC Metal Clad Switchgear
6 pcs. 36 kV SMe Metal Enclosed Switchgear