
Meral Enerji Mobile Substation


Energy and Infrastructure,




Meral Elektrik Üretim A.Ş


SMS-3 series 33/154kV mobile substation was manufactured by Aktif Elektroteknik for hydro electrical power plant at Tortum in Erzurum belongs to Meral Elektrik Üretim A.Ş.. SMS-3 series mobile substation will be used in order to connect 33kV energy to 154kV over head line. SMS-3 series mobile substation will provide energy for region until TEİAŞ completes the permanent substation and after will be used for similar projects.
Aktif SMS mobile substation is the first local produced substation which is connected to TEİAŞ. This substation will be operated by TEİAŞ. Energy from 4 different power plants is able to be transferred to TEİAŞ over headline via this substation.
We have similar references at countries like Iraq, Yemen, Vietnam, and Ethiopia.
Type and specifications according to voltage level;
• SMS 1 (Vpri / Vsec, F, S) : 3.6 – 40.5 kV / 0.23 – 0.69 kV, 50/60 Hz, 0.5 – 4 MVA
• SMS 2 (Vpri / Vsec, F, S) : 3.6 – 40.5 kV / 1 – 24 kV, 50/60 Hz,  1 – 31.5 MVA
• SMS 3 (Vpri/Vsec, F, S) : 52 – 245 kV / 3.6 – 10.5 kV, 50/60 Hz, 1 – 45 MVA