Actwin Smart Energy Management Software; automatically collects information from devices similar to the one below. Usually, this data includes consumption, analysis, status, and warning information. Actwin Smart Energy Management Software is an energy management software that enables the creation of reports, warnings, estimates, and invoices based on the data that it collects.

  • Electricity Meters,
  • Gas Meters
  • Water Meters,
  • Wastewater Meters,
  • Steam Meters,
  • Calorimeters,
  • Energy analyzers
  • Electronic Volume Collectors
  • Flowmeters

In general; It is used in institutions operating in more than one location such as Organized Industrial Zones (OSB), Shopping Malls (AVM), Housing Projects, Tourism Complexes, Industrial Facilities, and Retail Sector.

Institutions such as EMRA, EPİAŞ, and the Ministry of Finance are constantly monitored and updated to ensure full compliance with the regulations.

The ever-increasing energy requirements and costs conduct all our institutions to consume more sensitively and to make necessary savings for our future. At this point, Actwin Smart Energy Management Software emerges as an Energy Monitoring and Management Software equipped with powerful capabilities for Industrial and Commercial Enterprises.

Actwin Smart Energy Management Software monitors analyze usage habits, and creates a roadmap for when, where, and how users can save energy resources. The Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) and its regulations have a primary priority in the preparation of this roadmap.

As Peter F. Drucker said "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it."

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General Features

General Features of Actwin Smart Energy Management are listed below:

  • Multi language support
  • Ability to use commonly used and secure Microsoft SQL, Oracle databases…
  • Distributed structures like “server”, “client”, and “internet” interface.
  • The server is the main engine as working at the background and collects data from devices.
  • Client, the application part which management is done with interaction to server. Server and client interfaces are desktop applications.
  • Internet interface provides, users (like factories) to enter the system and monitor consumption, energy quality and create reports of their own devices.


Actwin Smart Energy Management has a modular structure to provide different new protocols to be found in the future. Supported protocols are listed below.

Communication Protocols

  • IEC 62056-21 Mod C and constant baud rate
  • DLMS/Cosem
  • Modbus-RTU
  • Modbus-TCP/IP
  • M-Bus
  • Wireless M-Bus

Communication Interfaces

  • Serial communication (RS485, RS232)
  • GPRS
  • M-Bus
  • Ethernet
  • PLC (DLC)
  • RF
The communication principle is compatible with “push” and “pull” structure. Data collection schedule, result saving to the database schedule can be defined and measurement parameters that will be read from each device can be defined independently.
The communication module of Actwin Smart Energy Management starts automatically when the server starts as a windows service. This prevents users from accidentally closing the data collection application.


Reports can be prepared as below with collected data. The modular structure provides the capability to add new reports to the software when needed. There is no need to upgrade or modify the Actwin Smart Energy Management when a new report is requested. All reports can be exported as MS Excel, MS Word, HTML, and PDF.
  • Reporting as a table of all selected device’s measurements. Also, measurements to be reported can be selected.
  • Graphic display of desired device’s measurements. Multiple device measurements can be drawn on the same chart.
  • Measurement points can be compared with algorithms like consumption, average values, etc…
  • Active and reactive energy ratio reports for electric meters.
  • Consumption reporting for electric meters according to energy tariffs.
  • Distribution network load reports (Transformer, gas stations)
  • Measurement point daily, monthly, and yearly consumption reports.
  • Map display, showing the measurement points and with filters (Reactive energy, low consumption, loss/fraud situations, no communicated points, etc …).
  • Transformer loss report
  • Total consumption of distribution network as monthly and yearly, import/export with the comparison between time periods.
  • Defined gas component reports.
  • Natural gas minimum/maximum hourly, daily consumption report.
  • Measurement point inventory report
  • Measurement point communication performance report
  • Water meters low/extreme consumption report

Single-line Diagram

  • The electrical distribution network can be showed on single-line diagrams like SCADA systems and the information of instruments like electrical meters, seconder protection relays on this network can be monitored.
  • The information like electrical meter’s power-current/voltage values, seconder protection relay’s on/trip situations and quality recorder’s power-current/voltage values can be monitored
  • For gas meters, measurement values, filter impurity situations, door/valve situations belong to type B and C stations can be displayed.
  • Drag and drop support.
  • Infinite number of screens can be created.

Loss/Leakage Detection

  • Loss/Leakage reports can be prepared manually and automatically. Automatically prepared reports can be sent to defined personal by e-mail.
  • Electric meter parameters (events, current/voltage/power/power factor/phase angle, etc …) can be monitored continuously and alerted to the operators if an unexpected measurement or ratio is measured.
  • Unexpected consumption differences are detected between main distribution points and points connected to that distribution point.
  • The interventions to meter and panel covers can be detected and operators can be alerted.

Data Validation

  • Measurements should not be used on invoices and reports before a data validation system. For that reason, these data validation methods are used.
  • Is measurement in or not in specific limits
  • The ratio of measurement according to previous periods consumptions
  • The situation according to the last measurements
  • Is measurement in or not in standard deviation according to the average value of last billing periods
  • If there is, the conformity between measurement unit and measurement


The synchronized connection of system and other systems (ERP, accounting, geographic informative, bank, etc…) can be provided with Web Services

Subscriber Management

Reports can be generated from all types of records that are saved in the database like defined measurement points, customers, groups.
  • New user and/or measurement points can be defined without professional skills with the copy and paste method.
  • There is no limit in subscriber-defined information on measurement points and customer cards. Some predefined information is:
  • Customer Number
  • User Name
  • Address/Parcel İnformation
  • User Type
  • Start in operation date
  • Authorized Person
  • The contact information like phone, fax, e-mail, etc.
  • GPS coordinates
  • Reports can be taken from this defined information, after that grouping, listing, and filtering can be made from these reports.

Web Interface

The Internet interface of Actwin Smart Energy Management ensures the customers monitoring their own consumptions and energy quality parameters. Reaching the interface is done by entering their own user name and password and the users can only reach their own measurement points.
For security, there is no direct connection when the system wired to the internet. There is a safe web service level between the internet interface and the database.
  • Users can view historical measurement values of their own measurement points
  • Users can view common or personal messages from management.
  • Natural gas consumers can send to the AMR system their forecasts and check their forecasts reports.
  • Users may have alerts like a reactive penalty, maximum demand exceeding, minimum and maximum gas consumption.

Alarm Management

  • Event records on measurement instruments can be saved and reported on the database.
  • The system watches reactive energy consumptions and if there is a measurement to get near or over the limits, the system informs the users with e-mail and SMS.
  • E-mail and SMS notifications can be saved on the database and reported later.


  • The roles can be defined with pre-defined permissions on the system. Users can be defined and roles can be assigned to users.
  • Operators can make authorization based on measurement points. They can define which users can reach which measurement points.

Software Modules

  • Communication and data validation
  • Reporting
  • Billing
  • Loss/Leakage Detection
  • Single-Line Diagram and Map presentation
  • Integration with web services
  • Alarm Management, SMS, and e-mail notification
  • Internet interface
  • User Management and Inventory
  • Authentication
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